Nedropuju veci

Technická podpora k herním serverům Minecraft a Tekkit
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Nedropuju veci

#1 Příspěvekod XmichoX471 » 26 zář 2012, 17:06


Čavte na servery po zabití hráča veci hráčovi nepadńu asi to roby mcmmo ? ale niesom si isty zoznam pluginov : dík

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Re: Nedropuju veci

#2 Příspěvekod Sejsel » 26 zář 2012, 17:16

Spíš bych to viděl na AdminCMD. Můžeš sem prosím hodit obsah Permissions? :)

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Re: Nedropuju veci

#3 Příspěvekod XmichoX471 » 26 zář 2012, 18:52

tu je permissions ale pochybujem že bi to bol on preve riešim že nejde :D viewtopic.php?f=67&t=9286

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Re: Nedropuju veci

#4 Příspěvekod eakethet » 26 zář 2012, 19:30

vylučovací metoda, smaž plugin dej restart a otestuj :D Pokud to bude furt, nahraj ho tam zpět a smaž další atd.

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Re: Nedropuju veci

#5 Příspěvekod XmichoX471 » 27 zář 2012, 18:48

Roby to AdminCMD tu je config
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Kód: Vybrat vše

#Configuration file of AdminCmd
#Plugin Version: 6.5.2 (BUILD 08.08.2012 @ 14:14:08)
#MessageOfTheDay   :   if true, display MOTD on join (Default : true)
#DisplayNewsOnJoin   :   If true, display the news message on Join (Default : true)
#DisplayRulesOnJoin   :   If true, display the rules on Join (Default : true)
#DisplayRulesOnlyOnFirstJoin   :   If true, display the rules ONLY ON FIRST JOIN
#(override the above parameter DisplayRulesOnJoin) (Default : false)
#DefaultVulcanPower   :   Default value for Vulcan power (Default : 4.0)
#DefaultFireBallPower   :   Default value for Fireball power (Default : 1.0)
#forceOfficialBukkitPerm   :   Only useful when using bridge with SuperPerm,
#to avoid the use of the bridge. (Default : false)
#locale   :   Language of messages displayed in the plugin. (Default : en_US)
#noMessage   :   Disable every message of the plugin (Default : false)
#autoAfk   :   Activate the autoAfk, meaning the player
#will be set AFK after the given time (Default : true)
#afkTimeInSecond   :   Time before setting the player AFK (Default : 60)
#autoKickAfkPlayer   :   Activate the auto kick AFK people after the given time (Default : false)
#afkKickInMinutes   :   Time before kicking the AFK player (Default : 3)
#statusCheckInSec   :   After how many seconds the plugin will check
#if the player didn't move for the AFK
#Also used to send update about the Invisible status. (Default : 20)
#maxHomeByUser   :   How many homes a user can have. 0 = Infinite, max = 150 (Default : 0)
#maxItemAmount   :   How many Items a user can spawn at once. 0 = Infinite, max = 150 (Default : 0)
#firstConnectionToSpawnPoint   :   If true and if it's the first time that the player connect,
#he will be spawn at the spawn point you set (Default : false)
#resetPowerWhenTpAnotherWorld   :   Fly,God,vulcan, etc ... are power.
#If true, these power are lost when tp to another world. (Default : true)
#fakeQuitWhenInvisible   :   Fake quit when you become invisible (Default : true)
#InvisAndNoPickup   :   Setting this to true, will disable the auto-picking item when invisible (Default : true)
#fly.DefaultFlyPower   :   Default value for Fly power (Default : 1.75)
#fly.maxFlyValue   :   Maximum value for the fly commands (Default : 2.0)
#fly.glideWhenFallingInFlyMode   :   Activate the parachute when falling in fly mode (Default : true)
#fly.gliding.newYvelocity   :   New velocity to slower the fall (Default : -0.5)
#fly.gliding.YvelocityCheckToGlide   :   Velocity needed to open the parachute (Default : -0.2)
#fly.gliding.multiplicator   :   Gliding multiplicator (Default : 0.1)
#ColoredSign   :   Activate the color sign, using & to select the color. (Default : true)
#mutedPlayerCantPm   :   Disallow muted player to send private message (Default : false)
#maxRangeForTpAtSee   :   Max Range in block for the tp at see. (Default : 312)
#tpRequestActivatedByDefault   :   Mean, when you want to tp to a player or tp the player,
#he'll receive a request that he can ignore or accept.
#By setting this option to true,
#the tp request will be activated by default. (Default : false)
#tpRequestTimeOutInMinutes   :   How much minute before a tp request become invalid. (Default : 1)
#verboseLog   :   Disable some "debug" message when launching the plugin
#(change it to true only if you have a good reason to do it.) (Default : false)
#logPrivateMessages   :   Private message send with command /msg are logged in the server.log (Default : true)
#broadcastServerReload   :   Broadcast a message to every player when reloading the server. (Default : true)
#help.entryPerPage   :   Number of help entry per page (Default : 9)
#help.shortenEntries   :   Shorten the help text (Default : false)
#help.useWordWrap   :   Check the word to do the new line (Default : false)
#help.wordWrapRight   :   Wrap by the right (Default : false)
#help.getHelpForAllPlugins   :   If set to true, get the commands of every plugins installed
#Else only from the folder HelpFiles where you set your help files. (Default : true)
#superBreakerItem   :   ID of the item used for the SuperBreaker mode (Default : 278)
#DateAndTime.Format   :   Date/Time format (Default : dd/MM/yy - HH:mm:ss)
#DateAndTime.GMToffset   :   TimeZone to be displayed, only Use GMT or UTC here (Default : GMT+00:00)
#useImmunityLvl   :   if you want to use the immunity level explained in the Read Me. (Default : false)
#defaultImmunityLvl   :   Level assigned by default to an user. (Default : 1)
#useDisplayName   :   Use the DisplayName of the player when using the player name (Default : true)
#debug   :   To activate the debug log (debug.log file) (Default : false)
#globalRespawnSetting   :   To change the global Respawn point
#Can be : globalSpawn, bed, home, group, none (Default : globalSpawn)
#checkTeleportLocation   :   When using a Spawn/Home command, the plugin will check
#if the player didn't moved (Default : false)
#teleportDelay   :   Delay before teleporting (Spawn/Home) in ticks (20 Ticks = 1 Sec). 0 for no delay. (Default : 0)
#logAllCmd   :   To log all command in the console and server.log (Default : false)
#useJoinQuitMsg   :   To activate the change of the Join/Quit message
#(that can be configured in the locale file) (Default : true)
#delayBeforeWriteUserFileInSec   :   Delay before writing the user file on the disk (in seconds) (Default : 120)
#groupNames   :   Will be used in a later version (Default : [default, mod, admin])
#timeOutScale   :   When using the parameter -t in power commands (god, fly, etc ...)
#Configure the scale used for the time (here 60 sec).
#It mean if you type /god -t 5 you will be god for 5 minutes (Default : 60)
#timeInSecBeforeStop   :   Time before stopping the server when using the AdminCmd command Stop. (Default : 0)
#tpInDiffWorld   :   Allow users to teleport to other user that are in a different world.
#If FALSE the player that want to tp to another player that is in an another world will have to have the permission node : (where WORLDNAME is the name of the world where the space are replaced by underscore (_) ) (Default : true)
#armorKitOverride   :   When using an armored kit, if this options is set to true, it will override what the player is wearing to replace it by the armor of the kit. (Default : true)
#usePSfix   :   Use the prefix and the suffix when displaying names (Default : true)
#egg.killer.defaultRadiusInBlock   :   When the Killer Egg is used, this radius will be used if no radius is set in the command. (Default : 15)
#egg.killer.maxRadiusInBlock   :   When the Killer Egg is used, this radius will be the max radius possible for the command. (Default : 30)
#egg.block.Timeout   :   How much time the new blocks stay (in sec) when using the BlockEgg. Put 0 for never change back. (Default : 5)
#egg.block.defaultRadiusInBlock   :   Default freeze radius when using the Block (Default : 8)
#egg.block.maxRadiusInBlock   :   Maximum radius for the BlockEgg (Default : 12)
#egg.freezer.Timeout   :   How much time the ice stay (in sec) when using the FreezerEgg. Put 0 for never change back. (Default : 5)
#egg.freezer.defaultRadiusInBlock   :   Default freeze radius when using the FreezerEgg (Default : 8)
#egg.freezer.maxRadiusInBlock   :   Maximum radius for the FreezergEgg (Default : 12)
#egg.explosion.defaultRadiusInBlock   :   Default freeze radius when using the ExplosionEgg (Default : 8)
#egg.explosion.maxRadiusInBlock   :   Maximum radius for the ExplosionEgg (Default : 12)
#egg.high.Timeout   :   How much time (in sec) the high effect least. (Default : 20)
#egg.high.defaultRadiusInBlock   :   Default radius when using the HighEgg (Default : 5)
#egg.high.maxRadiusInBlock   :   Maximum radius for the HighEgg (Default : 12)
#importBannedPlayersTXT   :   If set to true, this will import any player which does not exist in the banned.yml, afterwards it will be set to false! (Default : false)
#supBlacklist   :   With this mode, the users that don't have the admincmd.spec.noblacklist can't pickup/drop/use any blacklisted items. (Default : false)
#editSignRightClick   :   When true, when you right click a sign, you'll be able to edit it. If you delete every lines, the sign will be deleted and droped. (Default : true)
#logSameIP   :   When set to true all players joining from the same IP will be loged in the console and a message is sent to all players with the permission: admincmd.spec.ipbroadcast (Default : false)
#nbItemsPerPageInList   :   How many items are displayed per page in banlist/mutelist etc ... (Default : 8)
#importFrom.essentials   :   If set to true AdminCmd will look for Essential datas the next time the server starts, import them if they exist and deactivate this feature. (Default : true)
#turnPowersOff   :   If set to true all powers(god etc.) are removed from a player when he leaves the game. (Default : false)
#deathMessage   :   If set to true a death message will be broadcasted if a player dies. (Default : true)
#turnCustomDeathMessageOff   :   If set to true only MC default death messages will be displayed. (Default : false)
#executeCommandsOnNewJoin   :   If set to true, the commands set in the commands.yml section onNewJoin will be executed on the player that join the server for the first time. (Default : false)
#dataWrapper   :   DON'T TOUCH !
#How the player data, world data are saved. Possible options : mysql,sqlite,yml. (Default : yml)
#convertInto   :   By setting this parameter, you tell AdminCmd that it have to convert the data to the new format. Possible format : mysql,sqlite,yml.
# Mysql need the host,user,database,password to be setIF the DataWrapper is the same as the convertInto NO CONVERSION WILL BE DONE. (Default : sqlite)   :   Host to be set if mysql used. (Default : localhost)
#mysql.user   :   Username to connect to mysql database (Default : root)
#mysql.password   :   Password to connect to mysql database (Default : toor)
#mysql.database   :   Database name (Default : minecraft)

MessageOfTheDay: true
DisplayNewsOnJoin: true
DisplayRulesOnJoin: true
DisplayRulesOnlyOnFirstJoin: false
DefaultVulcanPower: 4.0
DefaultFireBallPower: 1.0
forceOfficialBukkitPerm: false
locale: en_US
noMessage: false
autoAfk: true
afkTimeInSecond: 120
autoKickAfkPlayer: true
afkKickInMinutes: 3
statusCheckInSec: 20
maxHomeByUser: 2
maxItemAmount: 0
firstConnectionToSpawnPoint: true
resetPowerWhenTpAnotherWorld: true
fakeQuitWhenInvisible: true
InvisAndNoPickup: true
  DefaultFlyPower: 1.75
  maxFlyValue: 2.0
  glideWhenFallingInFlyMode: true
    newYvelocity: -0.5
    YvelocityCheckToGlide: -0.2
    multiplicator: 0.1
ColoredSign: true
mutedPlayerCantPm: false
maxRangeForTpAtSee: 312
tpRequestActivatedByDefault: false
tpRequestTimeOutInMinutes: 1
verboseLog: false
logPrivateMessages: true
broadcastServerReload: true
  entryPerPage: 9
  shortenEntries: false
  useWordWrap: false
  wordWrapRight: false
  getHelpForAllPlugins: true
superBreakerItem: 278
  Format: dd/MM/yy - HH:mm:ss
  GMToffset: GMT+10:00
useImmunityLvl: false
defaultImmunityLvl: 1
useDisplayName: true
debug: false
globalRespawnSetting: globalSpawn
checkTeleportLocation: false
teleportDelay: 3
logAllCmd: false
useJoinQuitMsg: true
delayBeforeWriteUserFileInSec: 120
- default
- mod
- admin
timeOutScale: 60
timeInSecBeforeStop: 0
tpInDiffWorld: true
armorKitOverride: true
usePSfix: true
    defaultRadiusInBlock: 15
    maxRadiusInBlock: 30
    Timeout: 5
    defaultRadiusInBlock: 8
    maxRadiusInBlock: 12
    Timeout: 5
    defaultRadiusInBlock: 8
    maxRadiusInBlock: 12
    defaultRadiusInBlock: 8
    maxRadiusInBlock: 12
    Timeout: 20
    defaultRadiusInBlock: 5
    maxRadiusInBlock: 12
importBannedPlayersTXT: false
supBlacklist: false
editSignRightClick: true
logSameIP: false
nbItemsPerPageInList: 8
  essentials: false
turnPowersOff: false
deathMessage: true
turnCustomDeathMessageOff: false
executeCommandsOnNewJoin: false
dataWrapper: sqlite
convertInto: sqlite
  host: localhost
  user: root
  password: toor
  database: minecraft

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